Trump slams Blumenthal ‘who never fought in Vietnam’ for Gorsuch comments


    The White House has confirmed that SCOTUS nominee Gorsuch said POTUS Donnie was wrong in attacking judges, yet POTUS Donnie says that Senator Blumenthal is distorting what was said and then attacks him for lying about stating he served in Vietnam when he did.. Yes folks the political schoolyard is getting bigger and soon we’ll be reading messages on the bathroom stalls. Oh wait never mind, we’ve already got that with Twitter – PB/TK

    Trump slams Blumenthal ‘who never fought in Vietnam’ for Gorsuch comments – , USA TODAY Published 7:30 a.m. ET Feb. 9, 2017

    President Trump says a U.S. senator is distorting what Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch said about the president’s attacks on judges, even though administration officials have confirmed the gist of Gorsuch’s comments.

    “Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie), now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?” Trump tweeted Thursday.

    Blumenthal, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will conduct confirmation hearings on Gorsuch, told reporters the Supreme Court nominee expressed dismay over Trump’s criticism of judges, including those involved in lawsuits against the administration’s travel ban from seven Muslim nations.

    “He certainly expressed to me that he is disheartened by the demoralizing and abhorrent comments made by President Trump about the judiciary,” Blumenthal said.

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