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North Carolina woman voted illegally for Trump but won’t be charged for ‘compassionate’ reasons


I can see the argument right away. “Hey did you see some lady got out of jail free for voter fraud and she voted for Trump?”  … “Screw you do you now how many illegals are bused in from wherever to vote illegally and never get caught”… “but someone this is voter “catch and release” good old southern lady”… “hey well at least she voted Republican..”  Yes there’s a double standard in there somewhere – PB/TK 

North Carolina woman voted illegally for Trump but won’t be charged for ‘compassionate’ reasons – By Kelly Macias Apr 27, 2017

Donald Trump has made a whole lot of noise about voter fraud in last year’s presidential election. The fact that he lost the popular vote continues to drive him absolutely nuts and, though he’s already been in the White House for almost 100 days, he continues to talk about how millions of people cast illegal votes. Well, he’s right. Not about the millions, but there is proof that some people voted illegally and most of them seem to have been for him. In North Carolina, for instance, a woman admitted that she cast an illegal vote for Trump in the presidential election, in order to fulfill her mother’s dying wish. The state prosecutor, a Republican, announced that she is not going to be charged for this crime. Big surprise, huh?

District Attorney David Learner, chief prosecutor for Catawba, Burke and Caldwell counties, announced his decision Wednesday not to pursue the case, which had been referred to him by the State Board of Elections.

Learner, a Republican, withheld the name of the voter but said she had cast the improper vote for Trump last November “out of sheer ignorance” of the law and while “grieving the loss of her mother.”

Anyone who has ever lost a parent can totally understand a child being overcome with grief. And people cope with death and dying in many different ways. But let’s not forget one small thing in this scenario—this is against the law. And can you imagine if this were a Clinton voter? Or if this woman were an immigrant? They’d have tried to put her away for life.

Continue to dailykos.com article: http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/4/27/1656788/-North-Carolina-woman-voted-illegally-for-Trump-but-won-t-be-charged-for-compassionate-reasons


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