7 Bills You Don’t Have to Pay During the Coronavirus Pandemic (US News)


    7 Bills You Don’t Have to Pay During the Coronavirus Pandemic – By Susannah Snider (US News) / Aug 13 2020

    Federal, state and private relief programs may allow you to pause on paying these expenses.

    Paying bills on time has become a challenge for many Americans, thanks to the novel coronavirus

    But here’s the good news: Cash-strapped individuals have access to a range of relief measures to make monthly bills affordable. The federal government, state lawmakers and private companies have rolled out forbearance and deferment programs to combat the financial woes caused by layoffs, furloughs and other financial setbacks.

    One caveat is that late summer and early fall will bring about the expiration of a number of relief options included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, which was signed into law in March. But in some cases, these measures have been extended or replaced by provisions dictated under President Donald Trump’s executive orders, signed in August.

    Some experts note that these presidential measures do not hold the same legislative power as the passage of a stimulus bill in Congress. And extension of relief is essential for the millions of Americans who remain out of work or are experiencing income disruptions. “Things aren’t slowing down,” says Ashley Harrington, federal advocacy director and senior counsel at the Center for Responsible Lending, a North Carolina-based organization that works to ensure fair credit practices. “I think people are still very worried and concerned about their financial and health outlook.”

    Continue to article: https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/saving-and-budgeting/articles/bills-you-dont-have-to-pay-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic


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