Fresh Bailout and Bribery Indictments Raise Questions About What Ohio Gov. DeWine Knew and When (Ohio Capital Journal)


    Fresh Bailout and Bribery Indictments Raise Questions About What Ohio Gov. DeWine Knew and When – By Marty Schladen (Ohio Capital Journal) / Feb 16 2024

    The connections between FirstEnergy and the incoming administration of Mike DeWine and Jon Husted were strong.

    The announcement Monday of new felony indictments against players in Ohio’s massive bribery scandal is again raising questions about what Gov. Mike DeWine knew before and after he nominated Sam Randazzo to be the top utility regulator in the state.

    The indictment contained new allegations of a long, nefarious relationship between Randazzo, one of the state’s biggest utilities and a group of industrial users. On Thursday, DeWine’s spokesman reiterated that the governor believed in 2019 that Randazzo was qualified to be the top regulator because of his prior representation of utilities and large ratepayers. DeWine on Wednesday conceded that the appointment was a mistake.

    Randazzo was indicted along with the former top executives of Akron-based FirstEnergy for their alleged roles in a scheme to pay more than $60 million in bribes in exchange for the 2019 passage of a $1.3 billion ratepayer bailout that was mostly intended to prop up two nuclear plants. Former House Speaker Larry Householder, R-Glenford, was convicted of his role in federal court last year and is serving a 20-year prison sentence.



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