36% of Alaskans in survey favor seceding from U.S., highest among 47 states included in results (Juneau Empire)


    36% of Alaskans in survey favor seceding from U.S., highest among 47 states included in results – By Mark Sabbatini (Juneau Empire) / Feb 17, 2024

    Poll finds 23% of 35,307 adults in U.S. support secession; Republicans more in favor than Democrats.

    Alaska topped states in favor of seceding from the United States in a survey released earlier this month, with the 36% of residents supporting the Last Frontier being an independent nation far exceeding the national average of 23%.

    A big caveat, however, is the results are based on a very small percentage of Alaskans, with fewer than 100 Democratic and/or Republican residents responding to the survey (which also omitted results from three states that had fewer than 100 total respondents). The online survey of 35,307 adults nationwide was conducted by YouGov between Feb. 2 and 5.

    The results, in a broad sense, are similar to previous nationwide surveys during at least the past decade that some headlines have declared “shocking,” with such sentiments peaking following the 2020 presidential election and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Republicans and residents in the southern region of the U.S. have generally been the most in favor of seceding in surveys.

    CONTINUE > https://www.juneauempire.com/news/36-of-alaskans-in-survey-favor-seceding-from-u-s-highest-among-47-states-included-in-results/

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