Obama’s EPA spent $690,000 on parking spots no one used (FOX)


    Obama’s EPA spent $690,000 on parking spots no one used
    By Elizabeth Harrington (freebeacon.com) / Nov 9 2017

    The Environmental Protection Agency spent nearly $700,000 for parking spots that no one used during the final two years of the Obama administration.

    The office of inspector general released an audit Wednesday finding the agency wasted taxpayer dollars on subsidized parking for employees at its Washington, D.C., headquarters.

    “Only EPA headquarters (based in Washington, D.C.) and Region 4 (based in Atlanta, Georgia) subsidized employee parking,” the inspector general said. “These offices paid over $840,000 to subsidize employee parking from January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2016.”

    “In this time period, none of the other EPA regional offices provided their employees with subsidized parking, which is not a required employee benefit,” the inspector general added.

    Not only did the EPA use resources on unnecessary parking benefits that could have gone towards environmental projects, it also paid $293.45 per month for parking spots that were not being used. More than a quarter of the parking spots the EPA paid for its D.C. headquarters were unoccupied.


    PB/TK –  Where, exactly, on the property were these spots because if they were near the front door, that’s complete garbage. Now if they were the final 4 rows on the top level of an obscure parking garage, no one goes that far unless they have too. 

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