National Guardsman Rescued Others Before Dying in NYC Fire (


    National Guardsman Rescued Others Before Dying in NYC Fire – By Associated Press ( / Dec 31 2017

    NEW YORK — The victims of New York City’s deadliest fire in decades include a man who immigrated to the Bronx from Ghana and dreamed of becoming a military policeman.

    A relative told The New York Times that Emmanuel Mensah had rescued a number of people before going back into the burning building, where he died of smoke inhalation.

    Twum Bredu said Mensah had recently graduated from Army National Guard boot camp.

    Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro said the fire that killed a dozen people on Thursday night started on a stove and raced through a door and up five floors.

    PB/TK – Please take a moment and remember that heroes come in all shapes, sizes, economic and nationality backgrounds 

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