Getting a busy signal when you call Congress? Here’s how to get through.


    Having trouble getting your Congressman to listen to you? No I’m not talking about the normal deafness we’ve become accustomed too. Nope it appears Congress has found a better means to ignore you – PB/TK

    Getting a busy signal when you call Congress? Here’s how to get through. –  CS Monitor Staff writer

    On the day after the presidential election, Jean woke up in despair – and realized she needed to do something. But what?

    This is a question facing many Americans who are unhappy with the Trump administration. Eight years ago, it was a question facing many who were unhappy with the Obama administration. One thing Americans can do, no matter where they sit on the political spectrum, is to exercise their constitutional right to “petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

    So Jean – a mom, registered independent, and newly active citizen advocate in the greater New York City area – went to a women’s march, met activists, and started calling the district offices of her two senators three to four times a week.

     She’s not alone.

    At a time when citizens are inundating their representatives with a massive level of organized and organic communication – from angry town halls to phone call and email campaigns – it’s important to know how best to get a lawmaker to listen.

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