Marijuana Industry Raked in Nearly $9 Billion in 2017 (OAN Network)


    Marijuana Industry Raked in Nearly $9 Billion in 2017 – By OAN Newsroom ( / Feb 1 2018

    The legal marijuana industry is rapidly growing, raking in nearly nine billion dollars in 2017.

    A new report released this month shows the industry made 33-percent more revenue in 2017 versus 2016.

    Nine states and Washington D.C. have legalized recreational marijuana, and last year’s numbers did not include California, which is expected to drive up sales in 2018.

    The marijuana industry also brought more than 120,000 jobs in 2017.

    Experts anticipate marijuana sales could reach $21 billion by 2021, while jobs increase to more than 290,000.

    PB/TK – These are not the jobs increases we were looking for…. says no one. But let’s see the comparison between legal and illegal sales just for fun

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