Trump to roll back protections for transgender students


    A few weeks ago POTUS Donnie reaffirmed he was a friend to the LGBTQ community, only because many feel First Daughter Ivanka helped him determine that position. Today, reports out of DC say POTUS is rolling back on Transgender School bathroom rules -PB/TK

    Trump to roll back protections for transgender students – By Rebecca Savransky – 02/21/17 08:36 AM EST

    President Trump’s administration on Tuesday will reportedly rescind guidance to schools that bars discrimination against transgender students.
    The Washington Blade reported that the president has approved a plan for the Justice Department and Education Department to send a letter to schools rescinding guidance that transgender students be allowed to use the restroom consistent with their gender identity.
    The story quoted Mary Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, in reporting that the guidance would be changed on Tuesday. She cited “reliable sources” in saying that President Trump had “green-lighted” the plan.

    “This is the first day of the president’s second month in office and he is now fully coming after LGBT people,” she told the Blade. “I’m angry; I’m outraged. This is about kids who just want to go to school who just want to be themselves, and to hear the president a week or two ago talk about how supportive he is of LGBT people, it’s just outrageous that he go after trans kids this way.”
    A White House spokesperson did not confirm Keisling’s allegations in the story.
    “We have nothing to add to this report right now, but will keep you posted if anything changes,” White House spokeswoman Kelly Love said.
    The Obama administration last year issued a guidance to all public school districts in the U.S. telling them to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity. The letter was signed by officials at the Justice Department and the Department of Education.
    “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus,” former Education Secretary John B. King Jr. said in a statement at the time.

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