Minn. State Dems Fight Against Bill to Display ‘in God We Trust’ in School (OANN)


    Minn. State Dems Fight Against Bill to Display ‘in God We Trust’ in School – By OAN Newsroom (oann.com) / May 7 2018

    Democrat Minnesota lawmakers are bashing a bill which would require the saying “in God we trust” to be written on school walls.

    State Senators Scott Dibble and John Marty argued the reference to ‘God’ is offensive as it only includes one faith.

    The bill’s author — state Senator Dan Hall — said he never expected this much backlash from Democrats. He said the bill is meant to bring much needed respect back into our schools.

    People gather for an impromptu prayer circle, in front of the building where the shooting took place, as students and parents attend a voluntary campus orientation at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. (Photo/REUTERS/Angel Valentin )

    “This amendment, allows our U.S. national motto ‘in God we trust’ back in the walls of our schools as a reminder of hope and tolerance,” stated Minnesota Senator Dan Hall. “No, it won’t be a cure all, but it will be a good start reminding our children of our heritage and once again encouraging a little hope for our future.”

    Hall said an anti-faith movement in the country is making the left sensitive to religion in our schools.


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