The conservative guide to impeaching Trump: Christian Schneider


    Once you get past the silly opening two paragraphs you’ll look more at how the conservative right media is tearing the party apart more then how to impeach POTUS Donnie. Which is true, the far-right media sites are more destructive to the GOP then the DEM – PB/TK  

    The conservative guide to impeaching Trump: Christian Schneider – Christian Schneider March 17, 2017

    Most political writers think they have a great Hollywood screenplay in their brain somewhere — who wouldn’t trade waking up every morning to an avalanche of angry emails to hanging out on red carpets with Jennifer Lawrence?

    My screenplay’s elevator pitch would go thusly: It’s a madcap comedy in which a husband (played presumably by Paul Rudd) wants to divorce his wife (J-Law, call me). But the husband wants to be able to blame the split on his wife, so he tries to bait her into having an affair with his oafish best friend (Zach Galifianakis), whom he pays to seduce her. Hijinks ensue as Rudd and Lawrence realize they were really the ones for each other all along. (Sadly, I only recently discovered this closely resembles the plot of the 1961 Pietro Germi classic, Divorce, Italian Style.)

    Outside the silver screen, it occurred to me that the strategy of baiting a spouse into a justifiable divorce could be a valuable political tool, as well. American conservatives are locked in a tumultuous marriage with ideology-free populist President Trump, and the temptation for right-wingers to consciously uncouple from Trump’s nationalist supporters grows stronger daily.

    Take last week’s rollout of what House Republicans are calling the “American Health Care Act,” a plan crafted by the speaker of the House, longtime conservative stalwart Paul Ryan. The plan was a sponge for negative reviews, but Trump gave it his imprimatur, offering to do everything he could to aid its passage.

    But while Ryan burned up the airwaves selling the plan, Trump’s roving band of alt-righters at were working to undermine the speaker as soon as the plan dropped. The site, formerly headed by Trump chief strategist Steve Bannon, has had it out for Ryan for years: In December 2015, Bannon wrote to one of his reporters that his goal was to have Ryan “gone by spring.”

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