Attorneys Generals urge Trump Administration to abandon Title IX “sex” definition (OAN Network)


    Attorneys Generals urge Trump Administration to abandon Title IX “sex” definition – By OAN Newsroom ( / Nov 19 2018

    A group of 20 attorneys generals are urging the Trump Administration to rethink its approach to protections for transgender individuals.

    New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood wrote a letter to Secretaries Alex Azar and Betsy Devos today.

    She seeks the Administration’s abandonment of its pursuit of a new definition of “sex” under Title-IX.

    The updated terminology being pursued would only acknowledge someone’s sex as-defined-by, or before, birth.

    Opponents to the measure claim it would effectively eliminate protections for transgender people under federal law.

    However, the White House says individuals would be granted the same civil rights as all Americans.

    President Trump says he’s “looking at it very seriously,” and adds he’s “protecting everybody.”

    The measure is being pursued by the Departments of Health and Human services, and the Department of Education.

    The agencies say they’re pursuing the action as a means to make laws more applicable to a wider-field of people affected.

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