Giuliani calls ‘bulls–t’ on letter of intent signed by Trump during presidential campaign for Russia tower (New York Daily News)


    Giuliani calls ‘bulls–t’ on letter of intent signed by Trump during presidential campaign for Russia tower – By Chris Sommerfeldt and Theresa Braine ( / Dec 19 2018

    The fact that President Donald Trump had in fact signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations on building a Trump Tower in Russia is “bulls—t,” Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani told The New York Daily News on Tuesday — just two days after he insisted it had not been signed.

    Giuliani spoke after CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Sunday displayed a letter of intent bearing Trump’s signature agreeing to continue with negotiations for a Trump Tower in Russia.

    The tower complex was to include Trump condominiums plus a hotel and commercial property in Moscow. The document was signed in addition by Andrey Rozov, who owns the Russian firm that was slated to develop the property, according to the letter, which CNN posted online.

    Even if signed by both Trump and the Russian developer, the letter was nonbinding and went nowhere, and was thus meaningless, Giuliani claimed.

    “That was the end of it,” Giuliani told the Daily News. “It means nothing but an expression of interest that means very little unless it goes to a contract, and it never did.”

    Giuliani added that Trump’s legal team has already given the nonbinding letter of intent to special counsel Robert Mueller’s team as part of the 1.4 million documents that were turned over, and claimed the Trump camp had nothing to worry about.

    The former New York City Mayor insisted he had not misspoken when he told CNN on Sunday that the letter had not been signed by Trump.

    “I don’t think I said nobody signed it,” Giuliani said, even though he literally told host Dana Bash that “no one signed” the letter.

    On Tuesday, Giuliani even went so far as to say that “of course” Trump had signed it.

    “How could you send it but nobody signed it?” Giuliani said to The News, in a blatant contradiction of his own previous assertion.

    On Monday Giuliani had blamed disgraced Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for the development efforts during the 2016 campaign.

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