
    1265 The first English parliament met in Westminster Hall.

    1327 Edward II of England is deposed by his eldest son, Edward III.

    1783 Britain signs a peace agreement with France and Spain, who allied against it in the American War of Independence.

    1785 Samuel Ellis advertises to sell Oyster Island (Ellis Island), no takers

    1801 John Marshall was appointed Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Cour

    1841 China cedes Hong Kong to the British during the 1st Opium War

    1885 LaMarcus A. Thompson of Coney Island patented the roller coaster.

    1908 The Sullivan Ordinance bars women from smoking in public facilities in the United States.

    1921 Republic of Turkey declared out of remnants of Ottoman Empire

    1941 Hitler meets with Mussolini and offers aid in Albania and Greece.

    1942 Nazi officials meet in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to decide the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.”

    1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated for his fourth term.

    1946 France’s Charles DeGaulle hands in his resignation.

    1949 J Edgar Hoover gives Shirley Temple a tear gas fountain pen

    1961 John F. Kennedy, the nation’s youngest president (at this time),inaugurated

    1965 Generalissimo Francisco Franco meets with Jewish representatives to discuss legitimizing Jewish communities in Spain

    1972 U.S.A. Election Spending Bill A new campaign spending bill that was approved by President Nixon. bill advocated the disclosure of election financing of anyone running for federal political office.

    1977 President Jimmy Carter is sworn in and then surprises the nation as he walks from the U.S. Capitol to the White House.

    1980 President Jimmy Carter announces US boycott of Olympics in Moscow

    1981 Ronald Reagan is sworn in as president at the same time 52 American hostages are released from their captors in Tehran, Iran.

    1986 New footage of the 1931 “Frankenstein” was found. The footage was originally deleted because it was considered to be too shocking.

    1987 Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite taken hostage in Beirut, Lebanon

    1989 George H.W. Bush inaugurated as 41st President

    1991 US Patriot missiles begins shooting down Iraqi missiles

    1993 Bill Clinton inaugurated as 42nd President

    1994 Shannon Faulkner became the first woman to attend classes at The Citadel in South Carolina.

    1998 American researchers announced that they had cloned calves that may produce medicinal milk.

    2001 George W. Bush inaugurated as 43rd President

    2009 Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44th President

    2017 Donald John Trump inaugurated as 45th President

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