Home Conservative Trump Wants to Slash Corporate Tax Rate to 15 Percent

Trump Wants to Slash Corporate Tax Rate to 15 Percent


Is it just me or does this administration seem to be playing catch-up on ideas/legislation since Inauguration Day? Most administrations had wheels rolling after the election, yet this admin is too busy planning 2020 rallies, photo ops, and signing EO’s even though they have the majority in Congress. – PB/TK

Trump Wants to Slash Corporate Tax Rate to 15 Percent – Newsmax April 24 2017

President Donald Trump’s zeal to unveil a tax plan before his 100th day in office is raising questions about just how thorough his “tax reform” plans will be, amid signals that his focus for now is on slashing tax rates.

Trump has directed aides to move quickly on a plan to cut the corporate income tax rate to 15 percent from 35 percent, a Trump administration official said on Monday.

With his 100th day nearing on April 29, Trump has been ordering studies and signing executive orders. But he has yet to introduce a major bill to the Republican-controlled Congress on any topic or win passage of someone else’s that he supports.

He has promised a “big tax reform and tax reduction” announcement on Wednesday. Some analysts said this may consist of a proposal to cut the corporate rate to 15 percent, cap the individual tax rate at 33 percent, repeal the estate and alternative minimum taxes and cut taxes for the middle class.

Continue to newsmax.com article: http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/trump-tax-reform-15/2017/04/24/id/786117/

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