Home Liberal Alabama GOPer: If Cancer Patients Need Weed, They Can Just Buy It...

Alabama GOPer: If Cancer Patients Need Weed, They Can Just Buy It On The Streets (Talking Points Memo)


Alabama GOPer: If Cancer Patients Need Weed, They Can Just Buy It On The Streets – By Cristina Cabrera (Talking Points Memo) / May 20 2019

During a Monday morning interview on local radio show “Matt & Aunie,” the hosts asked McClendon why he voted against the Alabama Senate bill legalizing medical marijuana, which passed the chamber last week.

“Sometime along the way, we’re gonna open the door that’s gonna eventually lead to recreational marijuana,” McClendon said. “And so I figured as long as I kind of push against that door, the better it’ll be.”

The Republican lawmaker called the bill a “camel’s nose under the tent — in other words, a slippery slope that’ll lead to the legalization of recreational weed.

“Well, that camel’s nose is already in your district, buddy,” show co-host Matt Murphy chuckled. “I can go get marijuana anytime I want in your district. I mean, it’s already there.”

“Well, let me give you a counter to that,” McClendon responded. “If there’s somebody who needs it — let’s say someone is doing a cancer treatment, they have nausea problems and they need something to control it, they can get it!”

“Wait, you can get it legally in the state of Alabama?” co-host Andrea Lindenberg asked.

“No, but apparently you can get it,” McClendon replied.

The flabbergasted hosts pointed out that under McClendon’s solution, he would turn cancer patients “into criminals.”

McClendon brushed it off. “They’re probably not too worried about that.”

It’s worth mentioning that McClendon is a health care professional who works as an optometrist and serves as the chair to the Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee.

Listen to the clip below:





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