What’s wrong with too many white men in one place?


    Yeah yeah we’ve heard about the “old boys” network or “too many white guys” in politics for way too long. So what’cha gonna do about it? How about finding the right candidate and not the “it” person or one topic bandwagon person to make the change – PB/TK

    What’s wrong with too many white men in one place? – By John Blake /  May 26 2017

    (CNN)President Donald Trump helped the nation reach a rare moment of racial reconciliation, but hardly anyone noticed.

    It was sparked by a recent White House photo op, when Trump gathered with Republican leaders to celebrate the House passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
    The event looked like the board meeting of an all-white-male golf club. Photos from the ceremony showed a phalanx of middle-aged white men heartily congratulating one another, with no woman or person of color in sight.
    Some photos released later did show some women at the event. But the surplus of white testosterone in the images sparked widespread outrage. One critic tweeted: “Message from another white guy: Yes, this is way too many white men in one place.” Another white guy complained about a pattern of “overwhelming white maleness” in Trump administration photos. Someone even started a hashtag: #governmentsowhite.
    Lost in the criticism of those images, though, was something to celebrate: Many white people now get uneasy about seeing too many white guys in positions of power. The notion that the nation’s leaders should look like the people they represent is becoming widely accepted.
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