Carly Fiorina Wants Trump Impeached, Would Vote for Him (Newser)


    Carly Fiorina Wants Trump Impeached, Would Vote for Him – By Newser Editors & Staff (Newser) / Dec 16 2019

    She says impeaching the 45th president is ‘vital’

    (Newser) – Carly Fiorina is back in the headlines, with the former 2016 candidate saying she thinks it is “vital” that President Trump be impeached. But it’s the remainder of what she said on CNN’s Boss Files with Poppy Harlow that is grabbing headlines. Though she characterized the president’s behavior as “destructive to the republic,” she still allowed that she might vote for him in 2020. “Depends who the Democrats put up,” she said.

    She doesn’t seem to think it will be Elizabeth Warren. In a CNBC interview, Fiorina described the Democratic contender as “starting to fade … because people have figured out her plan is for more government every single time, and government has also failed.” As for whether she feels Trump should be removed from office before that election comes to pass, “this close to an election, I don’t know,” she told CNN. As for the current state of the GOP, it “seems to be all about pledging fealty to Donald Trump no matter what. And I’m just not in that place.”

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