
    1398 Tamerlane captures and sacks Delhi, defeating Sultan Nasir-u Din Mehmud’s armies by setting camels loaded with hay alight and charging them at the Sultans armored elephants

    1526 Pope Clemens VII publishes degree Cum ad zero – forms Inquisition

    1728 Congregation Shearith Israel of New York purchases a lot on Mill Street in lower Manhattan, to build New York’s 1st synagogue

    1798 1st impeachment trial against a US senator (William Blount, Tennessee) begins

    1862 General US Grant issues order #11, expelling Jews from Tennessee

    1886 At a Christmas party, Sam Belle shoots his old enemy Frank West, but is fatally wounded himself.

    1903 Near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first successful flight in history of a self-propelled, heavier-than-air aircraft.

    1927 U.S. Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg suggests a worldwide pact renouncing war

    1944 U.S. approves end to internment of Japanese Americans. U.S. Major General Henry C. Pratt issues Public Proclamation No. 21, declaring that Japanese American “evacuees” from the West Coast could return to their homes effective January 2, 1945.

    1953 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided to approve RCA’s color television specifications.

    1965 Ending an election campaign marked by bitterness and violence, Ferdinand Marcos is declared president of the Philippines

    1969 The U.S. Air Force ended its “Project Blue Book” and concluded that there was no evidence of extraterrestrial activity behind UFO sightings.

    1978 OPEC raises oil prices 18%

    1979 Arthur McDuffie, a black insurance executive, was fatally beaten after a police chase in Miami, FL. Four white police officers were later acquitted of charges stemming from McDuffie’s death.

    1981 Red Brigade terrorists kidnap Brigadier General James Dozier, the highest-ranking U.S. NATO officer in Italy.

    1986 Mrs Davina Thompson makes medical history by having the 1st heart, lung & liver transplant at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, England

    1986 Wayne “Danke Schoen” Newton won a $19.2 million suit against NBC News. NBC had aired reports claiming a link between Newton and mob figures. The reports were proven to be false.

      1989 The Simpsons, television’s longest-running animated series, makes its US debut.

    1992 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed by U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

    1997 U.S. President Clinton signed the No Electronic Theft Act. The act removed protection from individuals who claimed that they took no direct financial gains from stealing copyrighted works and downloading them from the Internet.

    2004 U.S. President George W. Bush signed into law the largest overhaul of U.S. intelligence gathering in 50 years. The bill aimed to tighten borders and aviation security. It also created a federal counterterrorism center and a new intelligence director.

    2010 Mohamed Bouazizi immolates himself, the catalyst for the Tunisian revolution and the subsequent Arab Spring

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