Cali government announces new budget; new tax credit for working families while tobacco takes a tax hike – PB/TK
Working poor, doctors score gains under California budget deal – By Christopher Cadelago / June 13 2017
Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic legislative leaders announced Tuesday a deal on a more than $180 billion spending plan that expands tax credits for working families, accelerates spending for roads and mass transit and uses some new tobacco tax revenue to raise Medi-Cal provider rates for physicians and other health professionals.
Brown used the agreement to press for a crucial upcoming vote to extend the state’s cap and trade system beyond 2020, a centerpiece of his administration’s efforts to fight global climate change in California.
“This budget keeps California on a sound fiscal path and continues to support struggling families and make investments in our schools. We’ve come together on this balanced and progressive budget and I’m confident that we can do the same to extend our critical cap-and-trade program,” Brown said in a prepared statement
How to spend the more than $1 billion in tobacco taxes was among the final hold ups of the spending agreement. The tobacco money came under heavy lobbying as Brown and lawmakers worked toward a resolution. Under the deal, doctors, dentists and other health professionals who provide publicly funded care could receive $465 million in higher payments.
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