Protesters march on Texas Capitol demanding the state ‘open now’ (Dallas Morning News)


    Protesters march on Texas Capitol demanding the state ‘open now’ – By James Barragán (Dallas Morning News) / April 2020

    The rally comes a day after Gov. Greg Abbott outlined a plan to slowly open up the state’s economy

    AUSTIN — Hundreds of protesters marched on the Texas Capitol calling for an end to Gov. Greg Abbott’s stay-at-home orders, likening them to “tyranny” and demanding the reopening of business in the state.

    The protest came a day after Abbott announced a plan for slowly reopening the state’s economy, which will include opening retail stores for “to go” services, easing regulations on elective surgeries and medical procedures, and reopening state parks.

    Protesters who carried signs that read “Vaccines can cause cancer and death,” “Every job is essential” and “Open Now!” questioned the threat of the virus.

    The protest was organized by InfoWars, an Austin-based website that promotes conspiracy theories, and has a massive online following.

    Alex Jones, the InfoWars host who falsely called the mass shooting at an elementary school in Sandy Hook, Conn., a “hoax,” compared Abbott’s orders to tyranny.

    “Don’t let them tell you like the Nazis did that you are not essential,” he said. “You are essential. America is essential. And this is 21st century war attempting to shut us down and Texas is leading the way against these tyrants.”

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