Trump announces $19B relief for farmers, food donations (UPI)


    Trump announces $19B relief for farmers, food donations – By Danielle Haynes (UPI) / April 17 2020

    (UPI) — President Donald Trump on Friday unveiled a $19 billion program to assist U.S. farmers and ranchers, and channel their products to food banks as the coronavirus impacts the nation’s food supply chain.

    The majority of the funding — $16 billion — will take the form of direct payments to agricultural producers affected by the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

    “These are great people, great Americans,” Trump said of the nation’s agricultural producers. “Never complain — they just do what they have to do.”

    U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said his department will also work with regional distributors to purchase $3 billion of fresh produce, dairy and meat to send to the country’s network of food banks. He said this effort will go toward offsetting financial losses distributors have faced as restaurants, hotels, schools and other businesses have had to close amid the outbreak.

    “Having to dump milk or plow under vegetables ready to market is not only financially distressing, but it’s heartbreaking as well to those who produce them,” Perdue said during Friday’s White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing.

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