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Chris McDonald and Mark Taylor Say Coverage of Ahmaud Arbery’s Killing Is a ‘Farce’ and ‘False Flag’ Designed to Harm Trump (Right Wing Watch)


Chris McDonald and Mark Taylor Say Coverage of Ahmaud Arbery’s Killing Is a ‘Farce’ and ‘False Flag’ Designed to Harm Trump – By Kyle Mantyla (Right Wing Watch) / May 12 2020

During Monday night’s broadcast of “The MC Files” program, radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Chris McDonald and fellow radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor agreed that the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery was a “false flag” being hyped by the media in order to distract Americans from President Donald Trump’s efforts to take down the deep state.

Arbery was a 25-year-old black man who was shot and killed by two white men who pursued him while he was out for a run because they claim they thought he looked like someone suspected of several break-ins in their neighborhood. For months, no charges were filed against the men who killed Arbery, until footage of his death was released publicly last week, which prompted prosecutors to submit the case to a grand jury. Arbery’s death and the subsequent handling of the case has generated a wave of outrage and condemnation of the persistent racial inequities in the justice system.

On last night’s “MC Files” broadcast, McDonald and Taylor agreed that the release of the video and the subsequent media coverage of the killing are nothing more than an attempt to racially divide Americans in an effort to prevent the 2020 election.

“I knew it was going to happen over the weekend,” McDonald said. “They’re going to turn this into a Trump-bashing, racially charged event. They’re trying to distract. I look at this almost like you call it a red flag, a false flag. It’s not that it didn’t happen, but it was a distraction to get our attention off of [Trump’s fight against the deep state].”

Continue to article:  https://www.rightwingwatch.org/post/chris-mcdonald-and-mark-taylor-say-coverage-of-ahmaud-arberys-killing-is-a-farce-and-false-flag-designed-to-harm-trump/


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