Trump Pitches Second Term With Selective Retelling of His First (Bloomberg)


    Trump Pitches Second Term With Selective Retelling of His First – By Justin Sink (Bloomberg) / Aug 28 2020

    • Biden portrayed as ‘Trojan Horse of socialism’ by president
    • Trump sidesteps how he’d address coronavirus if re-elected

    For one night on the South Lawn of the White House, President Donald Trump painted a vision of the campaign he wished he were waging — where the pandemic was an afterthought, his first term was an unqualified success and his Democratic opponent Joe Biden was little more than a “Trojan horse for socialism.”

    “Joe Biden is not the savior of America’s soul. He is the destroyer of America’s jobs, and if given the chance, he will be the destroyer of America’s greatness,” Trump said Thursday night in attempting to define his opponent, a former two-term vice president with a history of moderate stances who is viewed more favorably by voters than Trump himself.

    But the pivotal question for the president, in desperate need of reversing his fortunes before Election Day — was whether this uncharacteristically low-energy address, strewn with misstatements and exaggerations about Biden’s record and his own, would be enough to change minds.

    Despite delivering the second-longest presidential acceptance speech, at 71 minutes, Trump largely sidestepped the chief concern for many Americans — how he planned to finish the fight against a deadly virus that has left more than 180,000 Americans dead. He promised a vaccine before the end of the year — “maybe even sooner!” Trump said — a boast none of the medical professionals around him is prepared to guarantee.

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