Who Gets Coronavirus Vaccine First? Governors To Decide On Priority List (IB Times)


    Who Gets Coronavirus Vaccine First? Governors To Decide On Priority List – By Danielle Ong (IB Times) / Nov 30 2020

    • Governors will have the ultimate authority on who receives the coronavirus vaccine first
    • The CDC recommends that healthcare workers and nursing home residents be prioritized
    • The government will begin distributing the vaccines after the FDA grants authorization

    Governors will have the biggest say when it comes to who will receive the first doses of coronavirus vaccines when they become available, according to a top U.S. health official.

    “Our governors are really like air traffic controllers,” said Alex Azar, health and human services secretary, while appearing on “CBS This Morning” on Monday. “They’re going to tell us which hospital, which pharmacies, where they would like it to go. And they will be determining which groups to be prioritized.”

    Azar said Operation Warp Speed would begin distributing the vaccines to different sites across the country within 24 hours of authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. Operation Warp Speed is an initiative by the U.S. government to facilitate the development, manufacturing and distribution of safe and effective coronavirus vaccines.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that the first doses of the vaccines be given to frontline health workers and providers, and nursing home residents. Long-term care facility residents and staff members account for 6% of all U.S. cases.

    CONTINUE > https://www.ibtimes.com/who-gets-coronavirus-vaccine-first-governors-decide-priority-list-3091760

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