Agencies begin to receive compliance checks on diversity executive order (Federal Times)


    Agencies begin to receive compliance checks on diversity executive order – By Jessie Bur (Federal Times) / Dec 29 2020

    President Donald Trump’s September executive order requiring agencies to do away with “divisive” diversity training has started to receive full implementation at several agencies, as verified by their respective offices of inspector general in recent weeks.

    IG’s for the Department of State, Tennessee Valley Authority, Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, Farm Credit Administration and Nuclear Regulatory Commission have confirmed to the Office of Management and Budget that their agencies are in full compliance with the EO’s requirements.

    Those requirements include incorporating language in all contracts that prohibits the types of divisive training outlined in the order for contract employees, submitting relevant grant programs to the Office of Management and Budget, removing “divisive concepts” from agency training, ensuring diversity training contracts meet the EO’s requirements, requesting OIG to assess the agency’s compliance, appointing a senior political appointee to facilitate compliance, submitting all diversity training to the Office of Personnel Management, evaluating whether to debar any contracts that violate the EO and reporting all fiscal year 2020 spending on diversity training


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