
    1389 Ottomans defeat Serbian army in the bloody Battle of Kosovo, opening the way for the Ottoman conquest of Southeastern Europe

    1635 The French colony of Guadeloupe is established in the Caribbean.

    1770 Quakers open a school for blacks in Philadelphia

    1778 Mary “Molly Pitcher” Hays McCauley, wife of an American artilleryman, carried water to the soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth and, supposedly, took her husband’s place at his gun after he was overcome with heat.

    1838 Coronation of Queen Victoria in Westminster Abbey, London

    1846 The saxophone is patented

    1874 The Freedmen’s Bank, created to assist former slaves in the United States, closes. Customers of the bank lose $3 million.

    1884 Congress declares Labor Day a legal holiday.

    1902 Congress passes the Spooner bill, authorizing a canal to be built across the Isthmus of Panama.

    1914 Austria’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated at Sarajevo, Serbia.

    1919 Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles under protest.

    1938 Congress creates the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to insure construction loans.

    1949 The last U.S. combat troops are called home from Korea, leaving only 500 advisers.

    1950 General Douglas MacArthur arrives in South Korea as Seoul falls to the North.

    1964 Malcolm X founds the Organization for Afro-American Unity to seek independence for blacks in the Western Hemisphere.

    1967 Israel formally declared Jerusalem reunified under its sovereignty following its capture of the Arab sector in the June 1967 war.

    1971 The Supreme Court overturns the draft evasion conviction of Muhammad Ali.

    1972 President Nixon announces that no more draftees will be sent to Vietnam unless they volunteer and a continuing decrease in US troops in Vietnam will continue.

    1978 The Supreme Court ruled in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke that the use of quotas in affirmative action programs was not permissible.

    1997 Mike Tyson was disqualified after biting off part of Evander Holyfield’s ear.

    1999 U.S.A. Trillion Dollar Surplus- Following nine straight years of economic growth in the US, the US Government says that its budget surplus will be $1,000bn which it plans to use for strengthening Medicare and paying off some of the countries $3,700bn national debt.

    2000 The U.S. Supreme Court declared that a Nebraska law that outlawed “partial birth abortions” was unconstitutional. About 30 U.S. states had similar laws at the time of the ruling.

    2000 Six-year-old Elián González returned to Cuba from the U.S. with his father. The child had been the center of an international custody dispute.

    2004 The US has transferred sovereignty of Iraq back to Iraq ending 15 months of US control in Iraq.

    2004 The U.S. resumed diplomatic ties with Libya after a 24-year break.

    200 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that enemy combatants could challenge their detention in U.S. Courts.

    2010 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that Americans have the right to own a gun for self-defense anywhere they live.

    2012 Israel Stages Miss Holocaust Survivor Pageant


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