This has been bothering me for some time and I know it’s bothering many others: Stop giving incentives to the non-vaxxed folks!
The other day Iowa Gov Kim Reynolds pretty much told POTUS Joey to shove it in concerns of his “$100 giveaway to get vaxxed”
Opps, sorry, he didn’t say “giveaway,” he called it an “incentive” and some States called it “rewards.”
I call it bullshit and these “incentives” are a joke.
Close to 14 States (it could be more) have offered everything from cash, gift cards, scholarship raffles, $1 million lottery tickets, and so much more yet no one is buying into it.
OK, some have, but many have not and it’s costing, sorry, wasting money when it could be going elsewhere.
Sure, it’s called “allocated funding” or whatever, but it’s a paper move, a transaction to take the money from one account and move to the next.
How about giving some “incentive” to the responsible individual, those who were willing to get their vax jab months prior to today?
I made a joke a few weeks ago about how those not getting their vax jab before POTUS Joey’s July deadline was purely political so it could be used as a “failure” campaign tag, but now I wonder are people that damn politically harden to walkaway from a “reward” to take the risk of a life altering disease.
There’s a reason why we have laws, safety instructions and cautions on everything: we are too damn ignorant to realize what’s safe and what’s not in the definition of freedom.
Then again, it was only a week ago many FOX Newser employees were reversing course and telling viewers to get their vax jabs. Hmm, wonder if that was HR/Law Dept memo decision?
That’s it, pass the peanut bowl, be responsible and pay your political tab.