Berkeley wants to make all city-provided meals vegan – By Eric Ting (SFGATE) / July 30, 2021
The Berkeley City Council approved a resolution this week that requires vegan meals to be offered at public events, jails, senior centers and other city buildings, and would also require the city to assess the feasibility of only offering vegan meals at a later date.
By 2022, the city must determine whether it will be able to provide only plant-based food sources, and by 2024, the city must reduce its spending on animal-based products like meats and dairy by 50%. City officials touted the resolution as something that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Berkeleyside noted that there are “questions abound” for the resolution, which Councilmember Sophie Hahn called “purely aspirational.”
Hahn said it is currently unclear how much food the city buys or how many meals it provides. The resolution was adopted after strong lobbying from animal rights Direct Action Everywhere, which staged demonstrations outside the home of Mayor Jesse Arreguín.