Newsmax distanced itself from its White House correspondent after she claimed COVID vaccines contain a ‘bioluminescent marker’ to track people (Business Insider)


    Newsmax distanced itself from its White House correspondent after she claimed COVID vaccines contain a ‘bioluminescent marker’ to track people – By Mia Jankowicz (Business Insider) / Nov 4 2021

    • Newsmax’s White House reporter Emerald Robinson tweeted a bizarre conspiracy theory.
    • The tweet falsely alleged the COVID-19 vaccine contains a “bioluminescent marker” to track people.
    • The network quickly released a statement disavowing Robinson’s position.

    Right-wing news network Newsmax distanced itself from one of its top reporters Thursday after she tweeted a bizarre false claim about the COVID-19 vaccine, saying it contains a bioluminescent marker that enables tracking.

    The network’s White House correspondent Emerald Robinson tweeted: “Dear Christians: The vaccines contain a bioluminescent marker called LUCIFERASE so that you can be tracked. Read the last book of the New Testament to see how this ends.”

    She was retweeting someone claiming that the Moderna COVID vaccine contains the substance.


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