Liberal Spending Policies Will Increase Inflation and Fuel Shortages (Real Clear Politics)


    Liberal Spending Policies Will Increase Inflation and Fuel Shortages – By Frank Lasee (Real Clear Politics) / Nov 3 2021

    Workers have been earning higher wages in the last few years, but inflation has consumed those gains. Many Americans feel like they are on a treadmill and cannot progress toward their goals, including saving for retirement or buying a new house. If Congressional Democrats get their way and pass their multitrillion-dollar spending bill, we’re going to see the inflation beast become even more ravenous.

    Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer’s colossal and excessive spending and regulation bill will make it more difficult for American workers to thrive. Provision after provision in the bill would either directly or indirectly increase inflation by increasing the cost of energy use, while also raising taxes.

    Democrats will force the early closing of coal plants that still have years of productivity. When we close coal plants early, it costs electric users money and causes electric rates to go up. Because we must pay off the costs of building the coal plant and the clean coal technology added just a few short years ago.

    While still paying for a closed coal plant, American taxpayers would also fund thousands of wind towers and thousands of square miles of solar panels. In addition, we would have to build more natural gas plants for when the sun isn’t shining, or the wind isn’t blowing, which is a whopping 70% of the time.


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