UN: Sharp Jump in Number of People Facing Famine (VOA News)


    UN: Sharp Jump in Number of People Facing Famine – By Agence France-Presse (VOA News) / Nov 8 2021

    ROME, ITALY — The U.N.’s food agency said Monday the number of people on the edge of famine in 43 countries had risen to 45 million, as acute hunger spikes around the world.

    The jump from 42 million people earlier in the year was largely down to a food security assessment that found another 3 million people facing famine in Afghanistan, the World Food Program (WFP) said.

    “Tens of millions of people are staring into an abyss. We’ve got conflict, climate change and COVID-19 driving up the numbers of the acutely hungry,” WFP Executive Director David Beasley was quoted as saying.

    “And the latest data show there are now more than 45 million people marching towards the brink of starvation,” he said after a trip to Afghanistan, where WFP is upping support for almost 23 million people.

    CONTINUE > https://www.voanews.com/a/un-sharp-jump-in-number-of-people-facing-famine/6304126.html

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