
    1349 – Gunther of Schwarzburg chosen German anti-king

    1349 – Jews of Freilsburg Germany are massacred

    1647 – After nine months of negotiations, Scottish Presbyterians sell captured Charles I to English Parliament for around £100,000

    1649 – England’s King Charles I was beheaded.

    1661 – Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England is ritually executed after having been dead for two years

    1797 – US Congress refuses to accept 1st petition from African American

    1798 – The first brawl in the U.S. House of Representatives took place. Congressmen Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold fought on the House floor.

    1806 – The original Lower Trenton Toll Bridge, which spans the Delaware River between Morrisville, Pennsylvania and Trenton, New Jersey, is opened. A later bridge opened in 1935 is also known as the Trenton Makes – the World Takes Bridge.

    1815 – Burned US Library of Congress re-established with Thomas Jefferson’s 6,500 volumes

    1835 – Richard Lawrence misfires at President Andrew Jackson in Washington, D.C. in 1st attempted assassination of a US President

    1862 – The U.S. Navy’s first ironclad warship, the “Monitor”, was launched.

    1889 – Rudolph, crown prince of Austria, and his 17-year-old mistress, Baroness Marie Vetsera, were found shot in his hunting lodge at Mayerling, near Vienna.

    1902 – Britain and Japan sign a treaty after months of negotiating which commits each country to supporting an independent China and Korea, although it acknowledges Japan’s ‘special interest’ in Korea

    1933 – President Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor of Germany who forms a government with Franz von Papen

    1933 – “The Lone Ranger” was heard on radio for the first time. The program ran for 2,956 episodes and ended in 1955.

    1945 – American Rangers and Filipino resistance fighters liberate over 500 Allied POWs from Japanese at Cabanatuan

    1948 – Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist.

    1956 – Martin Luther King Jr.s home bombed

    1957 – US Congress accepts “Eisenhower-doctrine”

    1962 – Two members of the “Flying Wallendas” high-wire act were killed when their seven-person pyramid collapsed during a performance in Detroit, MI.

    1963 – Ivan Sutherland submits a thesis containing his Sketchpad program, a forerunner to modern-day graphic user interfaces and computer-aided design programs

    1968 – The Tet Offensive began as Communist forces launched surprise attacks against South Vietnamese provincial capitals.

    1972 – Bloody Sunday: 27 unarmed civilians are shot (14 are killed) by the British Army during a civil rights march in Derry, Northern Ireland; this is the highest death toll from a single shooting incident during ‘the Troubles’

    1973 – Jury finds Watergate defendants Liddy & McCord guilty on all counts of conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping

    1979 – The civilian government of Iran announced it had decided to allow Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to return. He had been living in exile in France.

    1982 – The first computer virus is released “into the wild”. Elk Cloner was created by 15-year-old Richard Skrenta as a practical joke.

    1992 – Inventor Ray Kurzweil publishes his first book “The Age of Intelligent Machines” on artificial intelligence, predicting the popularity of the internet

    1995 – The U.N. Security Council authorized the deployment of a 6,000-member U.N. peace-keeping contingent to assume security responsibilities in Haiti from U.S. forces.

    1996 – Gino Gallagher, the reputed leader of the Irish National Liberation Army, was shot and killed as he queued for his unemployment benefit.

    1997 – A New Jersey judge ruled that the unborn child of a female prisoner must have legal representation. He denied the prisoner bail reduction to enable her to leave the jail and obtain an abortion.

    2003 – Richard Reid sentenced to life in prison for attempting to bomb an American Airlines flight with 197 on board

    2014 – 24 hostages are killed after 6 suicide bombers temporarily take over the Iraqi Ministry of Transportation in Baghdad

    2016 – Boko Haram militants on motorcycles attack Dalori village near Maiduguri, Nigeria, killing at least 65 and injuring 136

    2017 – In China, scientist revealed 540-million-year-old Saccorhytus in a fossil. The actual creature would have been about a millimeter in size.

    2019 – Continuous 24 hr church mass lasting 97 days to prevent deportation of Armenian asylum seekers ends after Dutch authorities reconsider at Protestant Bethel Church in The Hague

    2019 – Scientists reveal discovery of cavity six miles long, 1,000 feet deep under Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica, leading to fears it might collapse and raise sea levels by two feet


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