QAnon believers convince themselves Nancy Pelosi video is full of secret messages (SFGate)


    QAnon believers convince themselves Nancy Pelosi video is full of secret messages – By Katie Dowd (SFGate) / January 30, 2022

    In the days since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she is seeking re-election, QAnon believers have tied themselves in knots trying to convince themselves her video announcement has secret messages — some linked to the TV show “Full House.”

    Pelosi, who turns 82 in March, announced Tuesday she will be seeking another two-year term in Congress. The video is pretty standard stuff: Pelosi delivers a short speech in front of a green screen background of San Francisco’s most famous view, the Painted Ladies. But QAnon fanatics, who ascribe deep meaning to the most ordinary things, are desperate to believe there are insidious clues in the dull video.


    Although QAnon began with an anonymous 4chan user claiming to have inside intelligence from within the highest echelons of American politics (there’s no proof of this), it quickly became a sprawling conspiracy theory that embraces practically any fringe idea. Some adherents push centuries-old anti-Semitic propaganda such as “blood libel,” a Middle Ages conspiracy theory invented by Christians to demonize Jewish people by claiming they used Christian blood in religious rituals. Others have convinced themselves Trump is waging a secret war against the global elite to usher in a new golden age. But most believe that at the root of society’s evil is a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles hell-bent on exploiting children.


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