Second chance job fair helps convicts find employment, stop recidivism – By Tyler Vazquez (Florida Today) / April 27, 2022
Even as the job market continues to run hot in Brevard County, there is one demographic that still faces hurdles to finding employment — people who have been convicted of a crime.
More than a dozen employers in construction, engineering, hospitality, transportation and more are taking part in the Second Chance Job and Community Resource Fair this week, with events in Melbourne on Tuesday and Cocoa on Thursday.
Finding employment after being incarcerated is how those who have been in the system keep from reentering it, said Beatrice Boursiquot, program coordinator with CareerSource Brevard’s Rise program.
“Individuals coming back from being incarcerated often need help finding a job, and giving them hope and giving them that opportunity is so important,” Boursiquot said.