The US Job Market Just Won’t Quit (The Fiscal Times)


    Biden in Florida

    The US Job Market Just Won’t Quit – By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey (The Fiscal Times) / Nov 1, 2022

    Welcome to November and the final stretch of the midterm elections. Here’s what we’re watching while we wait for the World Series to resume.

    Social Security? Inflation? Dems Still Searching for a Winning Election Message
    With Election Day a week away, President Joe Biden headed to South Florida on Tuesday to warn — again — that Social Security and Medicare are “under siege” by Republicans and that the future of the programs is on the ballot next week.

    Biden and Democrats have frequently tried to score campaign points by targeting Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida and a plan he released earlier this year that proposed to have all federal programs including Social Security and Medicare sunset after five years or be renewed by Congress. Some Republicans have bluntly rejected the Scott plan, but Biden on Tuesday blasted it and other GOP proposals that could change or cut Social Security and Medicare, warning that the GOP would target the programs.

    “You’ve been paying into Social Security your whole life, you earned it, now these guys want to take it away,” Biden said, later adding, “They’re going to increase retirement age for Social Security and shrink benefits. That’s what they’re moving to do.”


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