Missouri hospital accused of violating federal law on abortion (News Tribune)


    Missouri hospital accused of violating federal law on abortion – By Rudi Keller (News Tribune) / Nov 3, 2022

    President Joe Biden’s administration told hospitals in July they must provide emergency abortions when necessary even in states with strict bans in place.

    And here in Missouri, a Joplin hospital is apparently the first in the nation to be investigated for possibly violating federal law by telling a woman experiencing an emergency that she needed to terminate her pregnancy to protect her health but that the abortion could not take place in the state.

    The law, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, was passed in 1986 to block hospitals from sending patients who could not pay for treatment to other facilities. A hospital that accepts Medicare must provide screening and stabilizing treatments to anyone who seeks care in their emergency departments.

    Investigations are only authorized after a complaint. The woman who was denied an abortion, Mylissa Farmer of Joplin, told the Missouri Independent on Tuesday she wasn’t the source of the complaint.

    CONTINUE: https://www.newstribune.com/news/2022/nov/03/missouri-hospital-was-first-to-violate-federal-law/

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