A struggling Dallas restaurant is now using robots to serve customers (Houston Chronicle)


    A struggling Dallas restaurant is now using robots to serve customers – By Dan Carson (Houston Chronicle) / Sept 8 2021

    It’s the same story seemingly everywhere: understaffed U.S. restaurants scrambling to find solutions amid a pandemic that has seen workers flee the industry in search of better pay and safer work.

    Some restaurant owners blame lazy workers for their troubles, as noted by Chron.com’s Abigail Rosenthal. Others, like Dallas-based restaurateur Espartaco Borga, are bringing in robots in to fill gaps in the workforce.

    As CNN’s Lauren M. Johnson and David Williams reported Wednesday, Borga’s Dallas restaurant La Duni has rented three robots from Plano, Texas-based company Robotech to serve drinks, seat guests and belt out “Happy Birthday” if the need arises.


    CONTINUE > https://www.chron.com/food/article/Dallas-restaurant-La-Duni-robots-singing-servers-16444156.php?IPID=Chron-HP-Trending

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