Home Liberal A Visa Ban—But Not For Trump’s Foreign Workers

A Visa Ban—But Not For Trump’s Foreign Workers


The man who complains about H-1B visa overuse by the tech world as cheaper labor has a vast history of doing the same. So my question is, if the H-1B visa “double wage” legislation goes thru, will he stop using cheap labor? – PB/TK 

A Visa Ban—But Not For Trump’s Foreign Workers – BRANDY ZADROZNY 02.01.17 10:56 PM ET
Trump’s own businesses, which rely on immigrant labor, won’t be affected by the visa restrictions proposed in a new draft executive order.

Lest you think Donald Trump is through targeting immigrants, a new draft executive order suggests the president is interested in making life harder for legal, working immigrants, the businesses that want to hire them, and the average Americans who have been shown to benefit from the higher wages and economic stability that unskilled immigrant workers provide.

The vaguely worded order, first published by The Washington Post, proposes the elimination of the “jobs magnet” that is supposedly attracting immigrants and harming American workers. But one thing is clear about President Trump’s proposed order: The Trump Empire won’t be affected.

In a continuation of candidate Trump’s “Fine for me, but not for thee,” approach, his “Executive Order on Protecting American Jobs and Workers by Strengthening the Integrity of Foreign Worker Visa Programs” contains nary a mention of the specific guest-worker visa programs that his companies have profited from for decades.

Continue to dailybeast.com article: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/02/01/a-visa-ban-but-not-for-trump-s-foreign-workers.html


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