ADL team shines light on extremism and the darkest corners of the internet (Las Vegas Sun)


    Oren Segal, ADL Vice President of the Center on Extremism

    ADL team shines light on extremism and the darkest corners of the internet – By Justin Hager (Las Vegas Sun) / Nov 3, 2022

    Oren Segal is an expert on extremism. As vice president of the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism, he and his team work tirelessly to understand and combat extremism, terrorism and all forms of hate in the real world and online.

    The center provides resources and training to enable law enforcement, public officials and internet and technology companies to identify and counter emerging threats. It gathers data, analyzes it looking for trends, and disseminates its findings to the world, helping inform policy and action in a variety of settings.

    After 24 years of being embedded in the darkest corners of the internet, Segal is concerned that many of the attitudes, beliefs and conspiracy-driven narratives of violent extremism are emerging from the darkness and repeated as truth, in public for all to hear.

    The result is increasing normalization of radical thought. And with it, increasing levels of violence, threats and harassment in the public sphere, leading knowledgeable and passionate defenders of truth to leave public service, only to be replaced by their extremist brethren.


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