After St. Petersburg bombing, a notable absence: Russian anti-Islam backlash


    Where is all the anti-Muslim backlash and protest in St Peterburg after Monday’s bombing – PB/TK

    After St. Petersburg bombing, a notable absence: Russian anti-Islam backlash –  April 6 2017

    Monday’s terrorist bombing in St. Petersburg appears to bring Russia and the West closer in many ways.

    Unlike past terrorist attacks against Russia’s heartland, which were rooted in Moscow’s savage war to subdue a local insurgency in the north Caucasus, this one was carried out by a Muslim immigrant who security services say had apparent links to Middle East extremists.

    That tracks pretty closely with the frequent attacks that have recently struck European countries, whose armed forces are also fighting against jihadism in the Middle East. So too does the public response of rallying around the victims and redoubling official determination to destroy the terrorists in their desert lairs.

    But there is one thing that looks remarkably different: the absence of the type of public backlash against Islam that is increasingly frequent in the West. There have been no public calls for a ban on all Muslim immigration, or crackdowns on local Islamic communities, or even demands to build a wall along Russia’s long and porous border with Muslim-majority Central Asian neighbors.

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