Aggressive anti-mask customers are forcing some restaurants to shut dining rooms to protect employees from abuse (Business Insider)


    Aggressive anti-mask customers are forcing some restaurants to shut dining rooms to protect employees from abuse – By Kate Taylor (Business Insider) / July 5 2020

    • Some restaurants are shutting down or closing dining rooms back up after employees faced harassment and violence from anti-mask customers.
    • Restaurants in states including Texas, California, and Michigan have announced plans to once again shutter dining rooms, citing rude customers who refused to wear face coverings.
    • Other restaurants are struggling to find ways to protect employees without closing dining rooms or shutting down entirely.

    As restaurants contemplate reopening dining rooms across the US, some are facing a new concern — how aggressive anti-mask customers might treat employees.

    Numerous restaurants have decided to close dining rooms or shut down entirely in response to some customers’ treatment of workers.

    Hugo’s Taco closed both of its locations in Los Angeles in late June, citing combative customers who refused to cover their faces.

    “Staff have been harassed, called names, and had objects and liquids thrown at them,” Hugo’s Tacos said in a statement posted on social media. “A mask isn’t symbolic of anything other than our desire to keep our staff healthy.”

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