All the Weapons the US Is Sending Ukraine (The Fiscal Times)


    All the Weapons the US Is Sending Ukraine – By Yuval Rosenberg and Michael Rainey (The Fiscal Times) / March 22, 2022

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    Expanded Child Tax Credit Would Pay Huge Dividends: Report
    Federally funded child benefit programs that provide cash transfers to families provide long-term benefits that significantly exceed their costs, according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

    Relying on existing studies of the effects of cash and near-cash transfer programs such as food stamps and the Earned Income Tax Credit, a team of seven researchers from Columbia University and the Open Sky Policy Institute looked at the long-term benefits produced by such programs for children and parents. Those benefits include future earnings and taxes paid, educational attainment and multiple positive health outcomes for children, and greater health and longevity for parents.

    The researchers then compared the cost of providing those benefits to the associated decline in costs of providing things like health care, child protective services, criminal justice and other social welfare programs.



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