Alt-right rally: Charlottesville braces for violence


    Charlottesville is readying for a protests this weekend as Alt Right groups descend on the Southern city for a rally against the decision to remove a monument of Robert E Lee. 

    My opinion is simple; Yep you have the right to protest. Yep you have the right to be heard. But you do not have the right to disrupt, vandalize or destroy property. That goes for protesters and anti-protesters. 

    It doesn’t help your cause when threats have already been sent o the Jewish Mayor and the African American Vice Mayor. It only shows the ignorance of those following you and arrogance when you do not denounce their words – PB/TK 

    Alt-right rally: Charlottesville braces for violence – By Patrick Strickland / Aug 11 2017

    Beating. Hanging. Shooting.
    These are the sorts of threats that Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy, a 30-year-old African American, says he has received in recent weeks from far-right activists before “Unite the Right”, which is expected to be one of the largest white supremacist rallies in the US’ recent history.
    “I’ve been told I’m going to be hung from a tree, that I’m going to be shot, that I’m going to be beat up,” he tells Al Jazeera. “You name it, every kind of n-word – I’ve been called it online.”
    Charlottesville, an otherwise sleepy city of 46,000 in central Virginia, is bracing for an influx of hundreds of far-right activists – among them white supremacists and neo-Nazis from across the United States on Saturday to protest against the planned removal of a Confederate monument.
    Although locals, anti-racist activists and anti-fascists are expected to hold a much larger counter-demonstration, Unite the Right will be attended by an array of groups: the alt-right, the Traditionalist Worker Party, the League of the South, Identity Evropa, Vanguard America, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) and the Proud Boys, among others.
    The far-right groups have enlisted the Warlocks, a One Percenter motorcycle gang, for protection.


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