American Service Members Are Taking Pay Cuts to Leave Military (Newsweek)


    American Service Members Are Taking Pay Cuts to Leave Military – By Suzanne Blake (Newsweek) / Dec 12, 2023

    While many American military members look for a way out of active duty, financial barriers might be keeping them from leaving.

    In a McKinsey survey of 150,000 service members who transitioned out, 90,000 said they earn less than they did while on active duty.

    “Many service members leave the military for various reasons, from personal and family, to health and wellness, to civilian career opportunities,” retired 12th SMA Jack L. Tilley, co-founder of American Freedom Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping veterans and families transition from military to civilian life, told Newsweek. “Oftentimes, many people choose to leave simply because they have fulfilled their commitment.”

    In 2023, active-duty troops scored the biggest pay raise in decades as part of an annual defense authorization bill. All active-duty troops, drilling guard and reserve members saw their paychecks rise by 4.6 percent, the biggest increase in two decades.


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