American tourist gives Nazi salute in Germany, is beaten up


    You’re a special kind of stupid.. Last week there was news of Chinese tourists giving the Nazi salute in front of the Reichstag in Berlin. They were arrested. 

    An last night a drunk American tourist does the same in Dresden and gets his ass beat by a passerby. How much stupid is in this world? – PB/TK

    American tourist gives Nazi salute in Germany, is beaten up – By Associated Press / Aug 13 2017

    BERLIN – Police say a drunken American man was punched by a passer-by as he gave the stiff-armed Nazi salute multiple times in downtown Dresden.

    Dresden police said Sunday the 41-year-old, whose name and hometown weren’t given for privacy reasons, suffered minor injuries in the 8:15 a.m. Saturday assault.

    Police say the American, who is under investigation for violating Germany’s laws against the display of Nazi symbols or slogans, had an extremely high blood alcohol level. His assailant fled the scene, and is being sought for causing bodily harm

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