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An Oregon Nurse Was Placed On Leave For Dismissing COVID Restrictions In A TikTok (Buzzfeed)


An Oregon Nurse Was Placed On Leave For Dismissing COVID Restrictions In A TikTok – By Lauren Strapagiel (Buzzfeed) / Nov 29 2020

Salem Health said it had placed an oncology nurse on administrative leave for showing “indifference” to COVID-19 restrictions in a now-deleted TikTok.

A hospital in Salem, Oregon, said Saturday that it has placed an oncology nurse on administrative leave after she posted a TikTok suggesting that she was flouting basic COVID-19 prevention guidelines like wearing a mask and social distancing.

The TikTok by user @Loveiskind05, which has since been deleted, shows the woman wearing scrubs and a stethoscope, with the caption, “When my coworkers find out I still travel, don’t wear a mask when I’m out and let my kids have play dates.”

The audio is the scene from the live-action Grinch movie when the Grinch confirms his identity to Cindy Lou Who.

The caption flies in the face of guidelines from the CDC that advocates reducing travel, wearing a mask around other people when social distancing is difficult, and avoiding get-togethers with people outside your household.

A duet of the video by another TikTok user criticizing the nurse remains online.

CONTINUE > https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/salem-nurse-placed-on-leave-for-covid-tiktok?ref=bfnsplash


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