Analysis | The land that law forgot: Can outside forces turn the tide of violence in Haiti? (CBC News)


    Analysis | The land that law forgot: Can outside forces turn the tide of violence in Haiti? – By Evan Dyer (CBC News) / March 14, 2024

    Haiti’s police are outnumbered and outgunned — and gang leaders are promising a fight for power

    “There’s no question of (the gangs) having a seat at any table,” said Bob Rae, Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations and its envoy to international talks on rescuing Haiti from its nightmarish descent into anarchy.

    But there’s an unanswered question hanging over the complex political negotiations on the future of this failed state — if the gangs are to be excluded from power, who is going to take power from them?

    While the outlines of a political accord leading to elections are now coming into sharper focus, the question of who will bell the cat remains as difficult to answer as ever.

    Haiti’s new Presidential Council has few resources to establish its authority on the lawless island, even if it manages to achieve legitimacy and win acceptance from the broader Haitian population.


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