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Ann Coulter Barely Defends Trump on ‘The View’: He ‘Doesn’t Lie, He’s a B.S.-er’


Oh Anne, as much as I dislike you I give you credit for not having any filter- PB/TK 

Ann Coulter Barely Defends Trump on ‘The View’: He ‘Doesn’t Lie, He’s a B.S.-er’ – By   05.01.17 1:21

On Monday morning, Ann Coulter entered unfriendly territory to deliver her ultra-right-wing opinions about President Donald Trump and the state of America. Nobody melted. Nobody was hurt. But nobody got any smarter either.

Following in the footsteps of conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, Coulter was invited to speak at UC Berkeley in Northern California last month, only to have her speech canceled by the school’s administration, which cited safety concerns due to planned protests. Coulter later said she would hold a speech on campus anyway, with or without support from the university, but then canceled her own speech after losing the backing of the Young America’s Foundation group that had invited her in the first place.

But as Coulter put it on The View, “That chronology is not even worth beginning, they changed their position every five minutes.” She accused college campuses of putting undue “requirements” on conservative speakers, joking, “I’m not going to speak off-campus from a hot air balloon at three in the morning.” Even though she acquiesced to all of their restrictions, Coulter said the university canceled her speech anyway.

Continue to thedailybeast.com article: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/05/01/ann-coulter-on-the-view-trump-doesn-t-lie-he-s-a-b-s-er


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